Monday, July 12, 2010

A Week in 20 minutes.

Since it has been a week since I last posted I am going to try to recount the events of this past week in twenty short minutes. Starting.... Now!

Tuesday: TKD at noon, arguments with the BoyFriend during the afternoon and into the evening, dancing in Lansing with the gorgeous Melissa in a bar with no AC but really good music. 

Wednesday: Driving home from Lansing at 6:30am, more arguments with the Boyfriend, nap, TKD at noon, random crap around the house, working on my next sew project, and reading my book The Girl Who Played with Fire.

Thursday: Sick all day, allergies drained every bit of interesting from my brain. Arguments with the Boyfriend, arguments with mother (she made me go to the store to buy her some DVD-R's Verbatim 96166 4.7 GB 16X LightScribe DVD-R, 50-Disc Spindle, then argued with me when I told her she didn't own a lightscribe DVD burner and thus it would be cheaper to get just regular DVD's but dammit all she wanted lightscribe) * On the plus side I bought a really cute note book (I love notebooks especially the ones with leather binding. But then I feel so unworthy and rarely use them because I can't think of any writing that is of leather notebook quality). I managed visited the Boyfriend for about 1/2 an hour because he had nodded off while driving and had gotten into an accident.

Friday: Still feeling cruddy but I got a lot of work done for a project and become addicted to a browser game,  Echo Bazaar. I catch up with my little Brother who has recently returned from a week in Kentucky, we have yummy yummy salmon for dinner Yummies! and I get to talk to Zeh Demon for almost an hour!  

Saturday: TKD in the morning we practice flying side kick which brings on a feeling of nostalgia. Do random house stuff that doesn't involve cleaning my room, visit the Boyfriend for more arguments (these ones resolve in a more positive manner), then head to a party at my aunt's house, followed by a dance party at the house of some family friends.

Sunday: Church, clean the house, mini date with the Boyfriend (I got a coffee and Pie!), and running with my mom and my TKD instructor. 

Bam! A whole week recounted in exactly 20 minutes. I started at 11:15am EST and finished at 11:35am. I feel as though there should be some meaningless award for this....

*Apparently I tend to use run-on sentences when exasperated. 

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