Saturday, July 3, 2010

Allergies, and Spiders.

Oo. I skipped a couple of days there. Well it was for good reason. Thursday I was laid out flat with a full on allergy attack. I did everything right that day too. Nasal rinse, went for a run (I still hate running but I like what it is doing for my endurance and the fact it makes my muscles stand out *flexes*), went to tae kwon do class, and managed to work through it all. Turns out it only delayed the inevitable. So I was laid out on the couch with my brain leaking from my nose and nothing I could do but take a benedryl and a nap.

Friday I spent the morning cleaning the basement. Due to my family's variety of projects the spring cleaning has been occurring in segments. I got a head start on the basement. Frankly it looked as though Morticia Adams, Lily Munster, and Wednesday Adams had a tea party. I vacuumed up so many spiders and spider webs it began to feel like inter-species genocide. After a quick 20 minute visit with the boyfriend I headed off to tkd once again. When I returned my father had found time to work on one of my projects. Namely my car.

Since finals week back in late April my car has been dead in the water due to a cracked oil pan that occurred on my one night off. The best part is I don't even remember hitting anything. But thanks to those projects that have kept my family from maintaining our household my car got little to no attention once my father and his friend towed it back to Midland from Lansing (yup stuck with MSU students during U of M's finals week. It was a swell time)

Originally my plan had been to return home from tkd and head out again with my bikini in hand since a friend had invited me out to her lake to enjoy the last few hours of sunlight. But I couldn't leave my car and my father (mostly my car). With some wiggling and some googling and a lot of bolts to unscrew we (mostly my father since at a hundred pounds I can barely force a bolt to turn in any direction) managed to remove the oil pan. While my father was hoping we could repair the oil pan, I knew that because of the location of the crack it would have to be replaced. Luckily it is fourth of July weekend so everyone is having a patriotically inspired sale. Score one VW oil pan for a 2000 Jetta  for the low low price of $42 (significantly less than the $275 the dealership wanted for the part).

There are days I love the information that can be so readily accessed on the internet and that was one of them.

Today I am accompanying my sister to work so that I can use her car rather than being stuck here with out transport. There are a couple of vintage and fabric stores near her place of employment and I am hoping that I will stumble across something cute and cheap and usable.

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