Friday, July 23, 2010


Once upon a time I didn't understand why women loved shoes and sunk so much of their hard earned money amassing collections of the things. Then earlier this year I experienced a revelation. I can't completely explain what did it, but right about the time I was looking for a new pair of winter boots I became enamored with the shoe "experience." While not nearly as sensual as my love for food there is a certain satisfaction that comes with scouring the internet for that perfect pair and then seeking it out in the store. It's like a treasure hunt! And it can get even sweeter when the shoe is on sale.

But now I fear that I have gone too far. Thanks to reading the entire archives of The Shoe Girl, I have begun to appreciate (and possibly covet) designer shoes. This appreciation makes my poor college student wallet recoil in agony, since I was raised to believe that everything you purchase should have multiple uses and anything you pay more than 50$ for should last you forever.

Therefore I solemnly swear that I would wear these shoes at every opportunity. I will wear them to my graduation. Even if things go down and I would be unable to complete my degree I will still attend graduation in these shoes. In addition I promise to incorporate these shoes into at least seven (7) years of Halloween costumes, and I will attend a bare minimum of three (3) events per year, excluding Halloween, that would justify me wearing these shoes. So help me God.

That being said can someone spot me $1300?

(Photo from Jak And Jil Blog, please don't sue)


  1. The shoes -- all I can say is WOW!
    However, will they last you a lifetime?

  2. I'm proud to say that I enable your shoe habit. Also, I want a picture up on here of your snake shoes in action!
